Welcome to the Image Combiner! This is a tool you use to procedurally create images from a collection of pieces. 

You can creates portraits from a collection of eye images, faces, hair images, and mouths, or you can create spaceships with a collection of wings, guns, and cockpits, or anything else you want.

Try uploading the sample Aseprite files that are included to see how this works.

All the images are read from Aseprite layers that are kept in groups. For example if you want to create portraits you would create an Aseprite file with a group called "eyes" and several layers in that group which contain drawings of eyes. Repeat for ears, noses, hair, etc.

If you want to create your own Aseprite files for this tool the files are organized like this: 

You can select and deselect various layers to show/hide them in the tool by clicking on  their corresponding buttons. Once you've created an image you like you can download it as a png. 

Create as many as you want and have fun!


sample fighters.aseprite 3.1 kB
sample spaceships.aseprite 8.1 kB

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